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10 Most Powerful Hacking Techniques You Must Know

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15th May 2021, Kathmandu

Hacking is the unauthorized access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose. Hacking means compromising computer systems, personal accounts, computer networks, or digital devices. We can define hacking as simply the use of technology or related knowledge to successfully bypass a challenge. There are various types of hacking: Website Hacking, Networking Hacking, Ethical Hacking, Email Hacking, Password Hacking, Online Banking Hacking, Computer Hacking.

The main reason behind hacking is to steal information. The data could be data and information about your business activity, your employees, or even private data. These are cases where hackers typically go after big targets in order to get the most attention. The purpose of ethical hacking is to improve the security of the network and to secure the most vital data from enemies.

Although hacking is quite risky if it is done with harmful intent and has lots of advantages like massive security breaches, Privacy violations, hampering system operations,s and many more. But hacking is most useful for several reasons like to recover lost information, especially in case you lost your password, to perform penetration testing to strengthen computer and network security, to put adequate preventative measures in place to prevent security breaches, to have a computer system that prevents malicious hackers from gaining access.

In today’s context, technology has made drastic development and everything is going online, hacking provides wider opportunities for hackers to gain unauthorized access to unclassified information like credit card details, email account details, and other personal information. Here, are the 10 most powerful hacking methods which could be really beneficial and useful for you:


Bait and switch are some of the most commonly used hacking techniques. Through this, a hacker runs a program that is malicious in nature and makes the user believe that it is authentic. The user falls into a trap and then installs it in his system.


Cookie theft occurs when a third party copies unencrypted session data and uses it to impersonate the real user. Cookie theft most often occurs when a user accesses trusted sites over an unprotected or public Wi-Fi network.


ClickJacking is also known by a different name, UI Redress. In this attack, the hacker hides the current UI where the victim is supposed to click. This behavior is very common in-app download, movie streaming, and torrent websites.

4.  VIRUS, TROJAN, etc:

Virus and Trojan are the most common causes of hacking for a long time. Some viruses when once installed into a system can send as much information as needed to the hacker. To be protected from these, you can install the most updated antiviruses that are on the market.


Phishing is one of the most commonly used hacking techniques in the web world. Combined with social engineering, it becomes one of the most commonly used and deadliest attack vectors.


Eavesdropping is one of the useful techniques of hacking. The motive behind eavesdropping is not to harm the system but to get some information without being identified.


Fake WAP (Wireless Access Point) is a type of hacking attack in which the hacker sets up a wireless router with a convincingly legitimate name in a public spot where people might connect to it.


This is one of the most strategic ways of getting users’ information as this also involves physical tactics. Once hackers are aware of your timings, using this type of hacking, they might create a fake Wi-Fi access point and modify your most visited website to redirect them to you to get your personal information.


DDoS attacks have now become common and even some service providers have also taken measures to prevent them. DDoS is a method of flooding a site or a server with so many requests that it can’t handle and it ultimately brings down the server as it crashes.


A keylogger is software that a lot of people have got hold of. It is a simple hacking technique where the software tracks every keystroke in a sequence and then saves it in a log file on your machine. You can take preventive measures to tackle these problems and be always aware of the latest hacking techniques so that you know how to be safe from them. These techniques will now help you know about the ways through which hackers can take undue advantage of your data.

These are some of the best hacking techniques used by hackers to access your information in an unauthorized way. You can take preventive measures to tackle these problems and be always aware of the latest hacking techniques so that you know how to be safe from them. These techniques will now help you know about the ways through which hackers can take undue advantage of your data.

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