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14 Million Assistance From Siddhartha Bank For Corona Control

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14th May 2021, Kathmandu

The second wave of the worldwide pandemic Covid-19 (CORONA VIRUS) has created a devasting and critical scenario these days. There is a lack of hospitals, if hospitals are available then there is a lack of ambulance, if ambulances are available the doctors are unavailable, there is a shortage of beds in the hospitals, People are dying due to the lack of oxygen. the infected cases are increasing rapidly even the death toll has increased more and more day by day.

Everyone is giving their 100% effort for the convenience of these basic needs for the patients and hospitals and for the control of Corona. This is a very sad moment for th Government and citizens too.

Similarly, considering the present scenario Siddhartha Bank Limited has provided Rs 14 million to the government for the control of coronavirus infection. The bank has provided Rs 14 million for the prevention and control of coronavirus on Wednesday, April 15.

The Bank has contributed Rs. 7 million to the Corona Infection Prevention and Control Fund of each state government at the rate of Rs. 1 million and Rs. 3.4 million to the Corona Infection Prevention and Control Fund of 17 villages with branches.

The bank has been providing services as much as possible from various branches across the country in coordination with local authorities and other government agencies in line with the health standards set in the current adverse conditions.

The bank has done really appreciable work for the welfare of the nation and for the sake of the citizens too. Let’s hope the fund provided not only by the Siddhartha Bank but the fund provided by any concerned bodies will be utilized properly and only in the prevention of Corona Control.

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