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16 Billion Budget in Information Technology Infrastructure

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July 10, 2019, Kathmandu

Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) is sanctioning a budget of 16 Arba 51 Crore for the next fiscal year. The authority has been preparing to bring the budget to uplift the current information technology infrastructure and spread awareness regarding the proper use of technology across the country.

The authority is preparing to use 6 Arba from the Rural telecommunication development fund and ten arba from the authority’s fund. Most of the projects involved are old whereas some new plans might be introduced in the days to come.

For the next year, the projects that have already been handed to contractors after tender announcements, like the Mid-hill highway’s optical fiber expansion project and establishment of information technology labs in schools will receive the budget according to the NTA.

According to the Authority, the budget has been allocated to programs like Data Center establishment, Wire Management, and Mobile Device Management project.

The government has allocated Rs. 50 Crore for the next year to establish data centers in three cities of Nepal. The Nepal Telecommunication Authority has awarded the budget to further develop the data center in Itahari (Sunsari), Kohalpur (Banke) and Lalitpur for next year.

According to the authority, the budget has been divided for probability study for the establishment of the data center in the three cities and to start the contracting work.

The Authority has allocated the budget for the projects to be handled by the National Information Technology Center. The Authority has also sanctioned Rs. 40 Crore for internet exchange at Lalitpur.

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