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87% Of Android Phones Are Vulnerable To Hackers

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Smartphone, an ancient but good friend, is the thing that we always keep on carrying. Wherever we go, with whomever we go in any new or old destination we always bring our smartphone so that we can capture the various moments we spend with people around. The smartphone is all in one phone. Not just memories but also we save different kinds of personal information and data in our smartphone which are much more important and so they can be safe with wherever you go.

But, in the world, millions of smartphones that come from various smartphone manufacturers has always been a target for the hackers as shown by one of the research. The smartphone is an intelligent thing, so hackers’ main target has always been a smartphone. According to the research done by Britain’s Cambridge University’s research team, in the world, among the various phones, we use have different types of software, 87.7% of smartphones are inverse of vulnerability from being hacked.

The researchers, by doing analysis, they have concluded that in the smartphone and the software that are there in those smartphones, among 87.7% of the used smartphones, there are 11 types of danger and among those 11 dangers they have found one danger was found out.

In terms of research, with the help of available device analyzer in the Google App Store, data has been collected. As said by the researchers Daniel Thomas and Alcester Beresford, the main reason and the guilty person behind the Android smartphones being hacked are their manufacturers.

In order of the study done by researchers, they had collected the facts from more than 20 thousand mobile phone users.

For demolishing virus sally or hacking, Google in its operating system Android has been trying hard. Still, phone manufacturers haven’t made the provision of a security update to their customers, and because of this reason, it has been concluded that security has become more vulnerable a said by researchers.

Other than Android’s other smartphone LG, Motorola and Google Nexus brand’s smartphone is safer, and smartphone manufacturer has been providing the security update time to time, said researchers.

For saving your smartphone from being hacked and keep it safe, you must only download official apps from the google play store as suggested by researchers.

According to the researchers, among the top 10 smartphones which are not inverse of vulnerability in terms of security, Google Nexus lies in the 1st position. And in that list, LG lies in the second position, and Motorola lies in 3rd position. From the vision of smartphone security, Samsung lies in the 4th position. Sony, HTC, ASUS, APLUS, Symphony, and Walton lies in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th position respectively.

You can also buy the smartphones in terms of this security stages. Always, keep your smartphone safe from being hacked.

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