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A Short Brief History Of NaSCoIT, NaSCoIT 2016

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As the industry for Information Technology has been growing in the country, it was evident for the growth of interest in IT education. Looking at the situation an attempt was made by Nepal College of Information Technology, a leading college in Information Technology, to provide a platform for sharing of views and ideas by organizing a national level IT conference.

This step was not only going to help the like-minded people come together and share their views and ideas but also. The first conference took place in the year 2003 AD and Hon. Vice Chairman of National Planning Commission, Dr. Shankar Sharma inaugurated the conference. National Students Conference in Information Technology (NaSCoIT) was organized for the second time on 15 May 2004.

The second conference was then was inaugurated by the Hon. Vice Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Prof. Dayananda Bajracharya. The Third conference was held on 21 May 2005, and it was inaugurated by  Mr. Kirtinidhi Bista. Similarly, the Fourth and Fifth NaSCoIT conferences were held on 20 May 2006, and 18 August 2007 and those conferences were opened by  RT. Hon. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Prof Suresh Raj Sharma,  Hon.

Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University and Er.Saroj Devkota, Chairman, HLCIT respectively. The Sixth NaSCoIT conference was organized as the SAARC Regional IT Conference on Open Source on 12 Sept 2009, and Dr. Kamal Krishna Joshi was invited as the chief guest of the conference. The Seventh with the theme “International Conference on ICT for Glocalization,” was organized on 28th September 2013 at Park Village Resort, Prof. Khagendra Prasad Bhattarai, Vice Chancellor of Pokhara University, inaugurated the conference.

The conference had many participants to share their ideas with the attendants and with the success of the events in the past; the eight meetings is going to be held. Information Communication Technology (ICT) for Intelligent Computing is the central theme of the Eight National Students’ Conference on Information Technology (NaSCoIT 2016).

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