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Access Of Internet Reaches To More Than 50 Percent Population  

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According to one survey of government, the access of the internet has reached to more than 50 percent population.

The individual using service of both Ncell and NTC has not been counted as multiple people. Similarly, counting as various heads to an individual using both the function of fix broadband and mobile broadband shows; half of the population is getting access to the internet, said the official of Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA).

The increasing use of a smartphone is escalating the numbers of internet users, added NTA official.

Till the end of July, there was 51.15 percent of populations having access to the internet. The NTA’s MIS report states 16.67 million Nepalese are currently connected to the internet.

As per the report, around 15 million populations are using different kinds of the internet. The types of the internet that are mostly being used include fixed broadband wire, fixed broadband wireless, and mobile broadband. Among the 50 percent total of 39 percent uses mobile broadband.

Meanwhile, 10 percent uses fixed broadband wire internet and remaining 1.04 percent uses the broadband wireless internet.

6.5 million were using the internet of NTC till the end of July, likewise 61.9 million were using the internet of Ncell.

 The 3G service of NTC and Ncell gets 4.7 million and 4.9 million users respectively. Similarly, the 4G service of NTC and Ncell includes the total users of 60 thousand and 1.1 million respectively.

Total of 1 million users is using ADSL internet.  2.12 million uses the service of cable FTTBH. Whereas, the Internet Service Providers (ISP) are providing its service to 2.2 million users.

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