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Adoption Of New Information Technologies In Revenue Administration

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Thursday, December 5, 2019, Kathmandu  

In the age of information communication and technology, the government has been working to simplify the services by integrating the revenue system into information technology to provide service in an easier way. For the tax payers’ ease and convenience state has worked to bring new technologies.

Nepal’s constitution has also emphasized the flow of modern technologies but, due to the existing working style of revenue administration the use of technologies has not been quite effective till date. Lack of technical education, lack of infrastructures are the reasons behind not adopting new mode of technologies. The ministry of Finance acts as the central body responsible for effectively managing the revenue administration.

Inland Revenue Department, Customs department is active in collecting revenue as per the target. The Department of Revenue Investigation which works under the office of the Prime Minister and council of Ministers is also using the information technology in the research related activities of revenue leakage.

The inland Revenue departments governs income tax, value added tax and other. The department has set the policy for the information and technologies. An integrated tax system has been made for use by both the tax administration and the taxpayer portal and office portal. Information Technologies also have skilled manpower as well. Taxpayer can enroll revenue administration through online system of registration of permanent account number and details of business and revenues etc. Vocational details of the taxpayer’s filing revenue can be prepared from the online system. There is also an availability of mobile application called IRD Nepal.

The Auditor General’s Office is the body responsible for conducting the reserve Fund of the Government of Nepal. The office has been responsible for facilitating the implementation of the budget, keeping account of the Government’s budget and preparing its central annual statement and submitting to it to the Auditor General’s Office. The online Auditor General has started the new Revenue Management Information and it is adopted by Seven hundred and sixty-one government agencies. There are various benefits brought by the new information system in the revenue administration which are listed below:

  1. Reduced the time and cost involved in service delivery
  2. Protect important government details.
  3. Credibility of cyber security
  4. Manage electricity and high speed internet
  5. Facilitate the labor laws by making the local marker adequate fir IT companies.

The invention of new technologies in the government agencies has brought positive changes in the quality and services.

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