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AfterAccess Bagged EQUALS In Tech award “Research Award”


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After access bags international award for researching in access to mobile phones in Nepal. After access- the one who has made research on the access and use of information and communication technology in 18 different countries of the world including Nepal has received the international award.

after access bagged EQUALS in Tech award for the category of “Research Award” at New York. The organization has researched in May of 2018.

“The study made by AfterAccess have allowed us to dig deep, beyond simply measuring the size of the gender gap, emphasizing the fact that even once access among women is achieved, their user experience is very different from that of men.”
– Alison Gillwald, Helani Galpaya and Aileen Agüero—AfterAccess project leads 

The organization has made research on 18 countries of the global south and interacted with the family of 38 thousand houses. The study has covered the major issue of access and use of mobile phones.

This international level of research made by AfterAcess can be used in making plans and policies for the development of information and technology in the nation, said Babu Ram Aryal, President and lawyer at Center for law and technology.

From the last few time back, organizations in Nepal has been studying in a different aspect of society. Notably, research on information and technology is increasing rapidly. Since the concept of the smart city has emerged, there has been conduction of various examinations for the development of technology. Private and government both the organizations are showing a high level of interest for the development of technology.

Recently, Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) in collaboration with Worldlink has installed free internet service in six different places of Kathmandu which can also be considered as one of the significant steps taken for the development of technology.

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