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Alcohol And Internet Increases Women’s Violence: Home Minister Thapa

My Republica - Nagarik Network

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Home minister Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal said the misuse of alcohol and internet had increased the violence against the women.

On Monday amid of one program minister Thapa informed, the government is working hard to reduce women’s violence.

Women’s violence and rape incidents have increased due to the exploitation of alcohol, drug abuse, and Internet, to control such kind of activities the government had started doing its homework, said Minister Thapa.

He also added the government is planning to come up with various programs for lessening women’s violence and rape case.

During the event, Minister Thapa expressed sadness regarding the incident that happened with Nirmala Panta, who was raped and murder in Kanchanpur, Thapa pledges to punish the perpetrators of the event as soon as possible.

Due to the misuse of the Internet many women’s have been the victim of a digital sex crime and revenge porn. The distinction is one of motive, not effect: revenge porn is often practiced to harass the victim, while any picture that is circulated without the agreement of the subject is nonconsensual porn. Both can cause public degradation, social isolation, and professional humiliation for the victims.

Practically every day we hear new reports of a new case: A 19-year-old woman in Texas blackmailed into having sex with three other teens after a former partner threatened to disclose an explicit video of her.

A 20-something in Pennsylvania had strange men coming to her door after an ex-boyfriend posted her images and address with a message that reads “come to hook up.” An Illinois school superintendent in her 50s was fired from her job after her ex-husband allegedly sent an explicit video of her to the school board.

Those digital sex crimes have pushed a lot of women towards attempting suicide. To control such kind of harmful internet activities government should enforce strict laws and regulations.

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