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Apple Wins Google

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Apple has beaten Google, being the most valuable brand. It has retained its position as the most valuable brand after Google being the most valuable brand in the previous year.

 According to the market research firm Millward Brown’s tenth annual BrandZ brand value report, Apple has reached the top position. Tech brands were the ones to dominate the ranking.

 However, we are not sure of the year 2015. There was a 67% rise in the band value to $246.9 billion. It has surpassed Google which ranked first in 2014, to reclaim the position 4th time in these five years.

 Besides the tech brands, there are also brands like soft drink, payment, food, and tobacco.

But seeing the tech brands getting all the attention, it likely to be tech brands covering the top tens in coming years. The one with the second number is Google, and third comes to Microsoft.

 However, the company with the more percentage of increase in brand value is Apple like Google and Microsoft increase only by 9% and 28% respectively. Other companies like Facebook, Amazon, HP, Oracle, Samsung, and Twitter ranked 12th, 14th, 39th, 44th, 45th, and 92nd respectively.

 The success of Apple 6 and other products has been able to take the company to the top says brown. He also noted that Consumers have their trust increased towards apple in his report.

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