ICT Frame

ASEAN to Accelerate Digital Integration For Post-COVID Economic Recovery


22 December 2020, Kathmandu

ASEAN accelerate its digital integration, which is expected to raise GDP by 100 billion US dollars by 2025, in order to promote regional reform during the COVID-19 period. Economic Community Deputy Secretary-General Dr. Aladdin d. Rillo said Thursday on an online panel.

In the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Indonesian foreign policy community collaborated with policymakers, scholars, and industry experts in partnership with Huawei on the condition of digital communication, challenges, and opportunities for a digitized ASEAN.

“I see digital connectivity and transformation as important priorities and cross-cutting issues that affect every sector of the economy,” says Aladdin d. It, therefore, needs a multi-stakeholder approach or response, and involvement by stakeholders such as the private sector, including Huawei, is also necessary.

In order to meet ASEAN’s many priorities within the region and ensure that digital transformation continues, Rillo said all stakeholders in the world, academia, and the private sector, such as Huawei, need to contribute. This includes the development of technical skills, digital data management, and cybersecurity. This can be done by two means: firstly, the use of data in policy-making and public service provision; and secondly, digital solutions for versatility.

ICT has played a significant role in fighting Coronavirus during the Covid-19 outbreak and will help minimize its harmful effects. ASEAN industries start to believe that ICT is a crucial factor in speeding up post-epidemic recovery. With 650 million users, digital transformation strengthens the linkages between the ASEAN Member States through the use of digital technology to change industry, government, and society.

Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, founder and chairman of ASPI, said that the epidemic of Covid-19 affects the world and makes digital communication more relevant. Research has shown that good communication infrastructure countries can reduce the negative effect of an outbreak.

Digital literacy, digital connectivity, and digital infrastructure are required in terms of digitization. If we get this we will really achieve through education the aim of salvation. It is most important that the 10 ASEAN countries coordinate their regulations. Whatever our target of digitizing ASEAN, the rules will remain the key challenge. “Once we resolve this, we can make rapid progress,” he said.

Sharing similar views with Dino, Jay Chen, vice president of Huawei Asia Pacific, believes that digital integration using information, technology, and data will help organize the efforts of ASEAN member countries to develop the regional economy and build ASEAN’s sound and autonomous economic power in the new global digital economy. The door is open to reinforce its location.

As the world’s leading provider of IT and smart devices infrastructures, Huawei is committed to supporting the regional digital production and integration initiatives of ASEAN with its global partners, says J. Chen.