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AWS SAARC Meetup 2020

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3rd September 2020, Kathmandu

AWS SAARC Meetup being held on 5th September 2020, Saturday from 11 am NPT. Amazon Web Services is a secure cloud services platform, offering computing power, database storage, content delivery, and other functionality delivered as a utility: on-demand, available in seconds, with pay-as-you-go pricing.

AWS SAARC Meetup 2020

This is an opportunity for the AWS enthusiasts who want to learn about the cloud and cloud solutions that AWS offers. If you simply want to get to know people who are benefiting from AWS cloud, and want a chance to discuss your issues related to the AWS cloud, here is the chance! Meet with some of the experienced AWS professionals in the industry and learn from their experiences.

Event Details:

Date: 5th September 2020
Time: 11 am NPT
Registration form:
This event is supported by Girls in Tech – Nepal | Genese | Cloud Nepal | Women in Big Data

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