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Baburam Aryal Elected Vice President of Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance

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16th Janaury 2022, Kathmandu

Baburam Aryal was chosen Vice President of the Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance with an overwhelming majority. He was chosen Vice President of the Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG) for 2022-2023. In the election for Vice President, there were four contenders. Aryal received 38 percent of the total votes cast in the election.

Following his election, Aryal stated that he would focus on Internet governance capacity building and institutional development in Asia and the Pacific. Delta Law’s chief executive officer, Aryal, is also a cyber law expert.

Mubasir Sargana, in second place, received 23 percent of the vote. Similarly, Mr. ShreeDeep Rayamajhi received 22% of the vote, while Dr. Govinda received 17%.

Satis Babu has been elected President, Second vice president Mubashir Sargana, Sagarika Wickramasekera has been elected secretary, and Shah Jahidur Rahman has been elected treasurer. For more details:

The Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving Internet governance capability in Asia and the Pacific.

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