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Bibeksheel Nepali Hosted I Am with Dr KC Campaign

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Perhaps, everyone has heard the name of Dr. KC; he is one of the reputed doctors and become the most eye-catchable person in media since 2-3 years. Every time, he raised the voice for the wellness of the medical sector. But every time he was betrayed by the political parties so once again he went for the अनसन, and it has become ten days being in the strike, so BibekSheel Nepali has planned to raised and boost up the voice of Dr. KC by conducting Pressure Program at the Place of Prime Minister’s Home. So join and give pressure to the Government on 5th October 2016 at Baluwatar, Kathmandu.

If this program becomes successful then our children, women and old people being facilitated, so let’s do some positive enlighten and revolutionary social work with DrKC. This program is started at 9 am to be there at the right time and if you need any other information contact ९८५११८८८०१.

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