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Bikash Panta Elected Newly President Of CAN Federation Kavre Chapter

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Saturday 7, 2019, Banepa

CAN Federation Kavre Chapter 15th AGM elects new Committee for coming two years. The Convened its 15th Annual General Meeting on September 7, 2019, in Banepa. Congratulations to the new board which resumed CAN Federation Kavre responsibility. The AGM unanimously elected a new executive committee are as follows.

Similarly, President Bikash Panta, Immediate Past President Jayaram Humagain, Vice Presidents Shrawan Acharya, and Niranjan Adhikari, Secretary Dewaki Acharya, Treasurer Ananda Dahal, Joint Secretary Ashok Kuikel and members Trilochan Chaulagain, Deepak Sapkota, Zyanendra Thapa, Binod Sapkota, Rishiram Gautam, Ramchandra Neupane, Reeta Shrestha, Rukesh Rajbhandari. Amrit Pant is the Founder President of CAN Federation Kavre.

Watch the CAN Federation President Speech Click Here

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