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Bussewa Donates One Rupee Per Ticket to Neel Hira Samaj for Gender and Sexual Minority Support

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22 June 2024, Kathmandu partners with Neel Hira Samaj to support gender and sexual minority communities.

Bussewa Donates One Rupee Per Ticket

An agreement has been reached between, Nepal’s premier online bus ticketing service, and Neel Hira Samaj to donate one rupee from every ticket sold to support gender and sexual minority communities.

The agreement was signed by Manisha Dhakal, Executive Director of Neel Hira Samaj, and Denisjung Thapa, Market Manager of

According to the agreement, will contribute one rupee per ticket to Neel Hira Samaj.

The initiative aims to raise awareness and provide financial support to Neel Hira Samaj, also known as Blue Diamond Society, a non-governmental organization advocating for the rights of marginalized sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual characteristics in Nepal.

Founded in 2001, Neel Hira Samaj works to reform laws affecting diverse genders and sexualities. makes it easy for passengers to purchase tickets online via eSewa, PhonePay, Khalti, PrabhuPay, mobile banking, internet banking, or from nearby cyber cafes.

This partnership highlights’s commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity.

For more information: Bussewa Donates One Rupee Per Ticket

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