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CAN Info-Tech 2020 To Be Held In Itahari From 15th January

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Kathmandu, 31 December 2019

The CAN Federation Sunsari Chapter is organizing Province-1 level Info-Tech at Itahari (Janata PlayGround) starting on Wednesday, 15th January 2020.

The five-day Infotech will showcase technology-related products and services, with a focus on sales of IT hardware, software products, apps, power solutions, mobile accessories, telecommunications equipment, software, and payment solutions.

We believe, “Until Communication and Information Technology is accessible to rural people, it wouldn’t be easy to implement the concept of Digital Nepal.

Organizers expect people from all walks of life, including hardware and software entrepreneurs, customers, policy-makers, students, officials from governmental agencies and banks, NGOs and representatives from various organizations, to attend the exhibition.

For more details: Click Here

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