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CNET App Reviews, Apps on Google Play

CNET Mobile App

13 Janaury 2021, Kathmandu

CNET (Computer Network) is an American online news portal that publishes articles, news, blogs, podcasts, videos, and product reviews on the latest techs and consumer electronics. The CENT app is a must-have resource if you need information, tools, and advice regarding tech. It is a 100% free app with a high rating of 1.4 with 4,479 on the Google Play Store and an even higher rating of 4.6 in the App Store. In addition, it has region and language-specific editions for Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.


When first launched, the app asks the user to sign in but it’s not compulsory and can be skipped. It then redirects the user to a page where the user gets to select their topic of interest. The available topics are apple, cars, deals, google, how-to, mobile, smart home, and tv & audio. The app then proceeds to its dashboard where a personalized array of news, reviews, and goods are presented to the user according to the categories they picked out earlier. This apps brings you the latest news. You can read the full articles with a simple click. Now let’s take a look at its functions and features.


As a new portal, it is a must that the app is soothing to the eyes as the users will be looking at it on a day-to-day basis. The red, black, and white color combination and the simplistic yet captivating design of the CNET app do the trick. Now diving into the what and how of the app.


Logging in is optional but the login procedures are simple. You can log in using either your email address or your Facebook account.


The user can bookmark the news and articles that pique their interest.


There is an option for users to share an article with others via social media, email, message, and so on.


The users can comment on articles.


Users can search for products and the app provides a list of all available products, their price, description, ratings, features, good and bad qualities so that the users can pick out the best product suitable to their needs. The products the user chooses can also be navigated according to related categories.


The app also shows the latest deals on all sorts of products along with their price and redirects the user to find said product.


Important information and news are shown on notification so that users don’t miss out on something of their interest.

Video settings:

The user can change the video autoplay settings. The options are: Always autoplay – no opening ad, Autoplay on wi-fi only, Never autoplay – tap to play. The default option is Always autoplay – no opening ad.


There is light, dark, and dark in battery saver mood themes. Light is the default theme.

Search: You can search for products directly.



The CNET app has very few complaints and more happy and satisfied customers. Although slightly flawed, it is a very helpful and a must-have app for all tech enthusiasts.