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Connecting The Next Billion | Internet Society

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There are several central issues on the international internet with internet governance agenda. This will be the working theme for the next governance forum (IGF). This will be held in Joao Pessoa, Brazil.

The international society is connecting the next billion issue which relates directly towards our vision. This states that the internet is for everyone who is not talking about free and open internet which serves as a personal platform for human, economic and social development. There are many tools for strengthening human right.

Especially at IGF, it is not our duty for contributing this debate about our best interest.

When connecting the next billion, everyone understands and connect new user which lower the connectivity cost to create new opportunity access.

This is the combination of public policies; market forces enrich aimed at increasing the connectivity for an organization such as internet society which strives towards global internet development. This should not be difficult for the next billion.

How to connect all unconnected people?

The four pillars of ISOCs connectivity are given below:

Infrastructure development

Human capacity development

Community development

Influencing public policies

Our program allows us to make a difference to connect people. It combines the next billion ourselves.

We must continue our projects with the developing partnership to achieve a more significant impact. We will also be able to connect billions of user which bring the lesson and experience we have learned to make policy.

It is imperative for people to work mainly in government and international organization. The leader of the organization also involved in development. We learned the various lesson from our experiences with the best practices and public policies.

Our contribution, IGF debate in-line with some vision described above. We also add some information regarding various projects and experiences we gained through our work.

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