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Emergence of COVID-19 Impact on ICT Sector of Nepal

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23 Feb 2021, Kathmandu

Webinar on – Challenges and Opportunities brought by the Pandemic COVID 19 in the ICT Sector

CAN Federation and Nepal AOTS Alumni Society are jointly organizing a webinar with the title of” Challenges and Opportunities brought by the Pandemic COVID 19 in the ICT Sector” on February 23 and 24, 2021 in the Zoom platform. The webinar is scheduled from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm for both days and it will have a very short opening session (which will take around 15 minutes) on the first day.

This webinar will be conducted with the support of AOTS Japan under World Network Friendship (WNF) and the Federation of AOTS Alumni Association of India (FAAAI), India.

In this context, we would like to invite you to the webinar with the following zoom details for both days.

Topic: Webinar on – Challenges and Opportunities brought by the Pandemic COVID 19 in the ICT Sector

Time: Feb 23, 2021 13:30, Feb 24, 2021 (1:40 PM – 4:00 PM)

URL: Click Here Meeting ID: 944 3891 1238 Passcode: 267109

Mr. G. NEELAKANTAN will be the resource person for the webinar and brief details about him is as below:

Project Manager, Head (Global Delivery) in IT Company – “Arackal Digital Solutions” in Trivandrum Technopark, Trivandrum, India. “Senior IT Trainer” and “Software Engineer” in “Institute of Management in Government”, the apex training institution of Kerala Government. Sr. Systems Analyst, in charge of Information Systems Department at Regional Cancer Centre, Centre of Excellence, Trivandrum.

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