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CSI Nepal Celebrates Their Third Cyber Security Awareness Camp

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Putalisadak, Kantipur City College: June 3, 2016, Cyber Security International (CSI) Nepal, successfully conducted their third awareness camp on cybersecurity. The seminar was full of students and teachers of Kantipur City College who early waited to hear and realize about, how critical is the cyber-attack, virus infection, hacking and phishing.

CEO Dr. Ramhari Subedi exposed the problems people have been suffering from cyber-attacks and hacking. He shared how one of his colleagues has been facing the problem of his hacked facebook account just because of one-click on unnecessary virus links that we can easily see on Facebook sites and other websites too.

The awareness camp was alive with life-related practical examples, videos and voice messages of the victim who really has been facing these cyber threats daily. CSI team member Mr. Chiranjibi Adhikari, effectively gave the participants simple tips to protect themselves while using social media.

Involvement of participants was high where they raised questions regarding cyber policies and laws our country have been and will implement for these crimes.

The IT Head of Kantipur City College, Mr. Raju Kattel wrapped up the camp saying, “We have to exchange information and best practices related to preventing cyber-crime and online fraud. Everyone should be protected from online predators for this we need professionals like CSI who really can aware us on such matter.”

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