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Cyber Is A Mathematical Battle, Nitin Verma

PaloAlto at Radission Hotel hosed by Astral Computers Nepal

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Event on Disruption in the digital age, a cybersecurity perspective observed. A demonstration on Disruption in the digital age, a cybersecurity perspective organized by Paloalto and Astral Computers Nepal Private limited was celebrated on Thursday at the capital. The event ran under two presenters, Nitin Verma, Director – Commercial Mid-Market & SAARC, Palo Alto Networks, and Pankaj Chawla Systems Engineer – India and SAARC at Palo Alto Networks.

PaloAlto comes up in Nepal

Healthy numbers of Government officials showed their presence during an event. Nitin Verma during his presentation defined security as Prevention and remediation, explained about Paloalto, and talked about three evolution of networking system over a decade, which includes:

First Evolution: Cloud delivered network security services.

Second Evolution: Consistency of security.

Third Evolution: Dramatic disruption on consumption.

Verma stated that “Cyber is a mathematical battle, the battle between man and machine.” Likewise, he also added “innovation has to be at a high rate, attackers are moving fast they are quicker than us.

After Verma, Pankaj Chawla came for a presentation. Chawla discussed on topics like Next-generation security platform, differences between exploit and malicious executable, exploit techniques. With that, he also showcased a demo on safeguarding data from threats.

At the end of Program Hemant Raj Baral, Senior Sales Manager of Astral Computers Nepal Private limited delivered vote of thanks and expressed gratitude to the entire participant who made the event successful.

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