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Cyber Law Issues In Nepal, Electronic Transaction Act

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The technological advancement has made our work more convenient and made a world a small village. Along with the technological progress and convenience we have been facing different problem over the internet like hacking, bullying, intellectual property theft, phishing and so on. For these crimes, the government of different countries made different laws with the intention to punish the person involving such activities which are recognized as “Cyber Law.”

Cyberlaw differs from different countries and is the issues related to the activities over the internet and other communication technology, including privacy, jurisdiction. Cyberlaw is very important since these days along with the use of internet the crimes over the internet has been increasing day to day. It also maintains the privacy of the end user so that they would be safe from being a victim of cybercrime. Cyber laws design a secure platform and even a standard model for the advancement of cybersecurity.

ETA (Electronic Transaction Act) which deals with issues related to cybercrime and also help in making and implementing laws over cybercrime. It has made different requirements so that if anyone found having cybercrime, he/she will be punished according to the scene of the crime. He /she can be jailed for minimum from 6 months to a maximum of 3 years and has to pay the penalty according to the offense. However, the cybercrime has been overgrowing in Nepal because of an inadequate tracking system and the advancement needs still to build like in other developed countries. The lack of proper updates of ETA, the hackers again hacks the governmental confidentiality which is an embracing to tell.ETA yet hasn’t adequately addressed Online payment, due to which we still don’t have a fast and reliable online payment system too.

The most substantial challenge in the field of cyberlaw in Nepal is a challenge to implement cyber laws. For the implementation of the law, people over the internet in Nepal should have proper knowledge about the cybercrime and its consequences. Without an understanding of cyber crimes and regulation, people will have no awareness of them. Maintaining privacy in the cyberspace, creating strong passwords, updating the security software, updating password are some of the techniques to keep secure him /her.

With the increasing use of the internet over the world, the number of crime also has reached its level. So before implementing law people in Nepal should have proper education about cybercrime and a valid law should be created and performed too. If people involving in cybercrime are punished and security enforcement are made strong according to the advancement we can mitigate the cybercrime here in Nepal.

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