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Cyber Security Awareness for Hotels and Restaurants Staffs

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36th Cyber Security International Program (1st level) at Millennium Hostel, Bharatpur-12, Chitwan, Nepal. Initially, Concept of Cyber Security Awareness in Nepal has been revealed by Dr. Ramhari Subedi, who lives in Washington DC; also, he is the first appointed Cyber Security Advisor of Central Investigation Department of Nepal Police.

Now Dr. Subedi, the CEO of Cyber Security International, is launching cybersecurity awareness campaign nation-wide. Firstly through Kathmandu, Jhapa, and Chitwan. Today, Mr. Chiranjeevee Pokhrel, Regional Trainer cum Chitwan Branch Coordinator for Cyber Security International, conducted the Awareness Generating Program at Millennium Hostel, Bharatpur-12, Chitwan, Nepal. He demonstrated 74 slides with the short descriptive speech on each.

They have given good feedback and have shown their keen interest in learning basic security training on coming Monday.
It took more than one and a half hours, i.e., from 7:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m., to complete the program.

After participating in the CSI’s awareness generating program, the participants were happy as they knew some DOs and DON’Ts in the use of social media like Skype and Facebook. The plan was conducted under the coordination of the Millennium Hostel In-Charge Mr. Mohan Niraula.

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