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Cyber Security Awareness for Samajik College Students

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Information Security Response Team Nepal ( is conducted a Cyber Security Awareness Program in Samajik College at Lokanthali, Bhaktapur. The event was held on Wednesday, 22nd March 2017 from 7 am to 10 am. Computer-based Security Awareness Program for End Users. The important highlighted contents were “Facebook Security, Provide a high-level overview of effective cybersecurity awareness, “E-mail spoofing on the rise and Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility.

The speakers at the event are Ritesh Rai (Cyber Security Trainer at Laba Nepal), Khusal Regmi (Central Executive Member of CAN Federation), Mamta Maharjan and Nikita Khadka. They will be giving their views on minimizing Cybersecurity threats and raising awareness in Nepal.

Mr. Niranjan Khakurel, Principal of Nepal College of Information Technology (NCIT), was invited as Chief Guest in the program. He discussed the way the Internet had taken its place in our lives and the extent to which it has eased up our lifestyle. He added that though the Internet has proven to be advantageous in today’s world, it also comes with a flip side. Mr. Khakurel cited the lack of awareness about the negative aspects of the Internet as the catalyst in ever-increasing cases of cybercrime.

The Founder of Information Security Response Team Nepal and Principal of Samajik College, Mr. Ram Krishna Dahal shared his views on the need to be cyber-literate in today’s age. With the development of the cyberspace, various negative factors of it have also come up. He referred to students being most vulnerable to exploitation through the Internet and highlighted the need for such awareness. The main objective of this presentation is to educate and create awareness among the student groups on the use of Technology, Social Media and its implications on possible cyber crimes.

The program was organized successfully in the program Hall of Samajik College with a very significant participant turnout of 95 students.

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