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Cyber Security Nepal Team Met With Nepal Police

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Cyber Security International Nepal team held a meeting with AIG Bigyan Raj Sharma of Nepal Police at Police Headquarter Naxal.

The primary objective of the meeting was to submit a draft of a proposal for support from Nepal Police for the awareness program and the MoU for any support from Nepal Police. AIG Sharma asked certain time to study the plan and MoU before moving ahead with making any agreement.

AIG Sharma admired the initiative by CSI Nepal to run an awareness campaign on cybersecurity.

He also asked the CSI Nepal team to come up with an action plan about how it will be moving ahead with its program. He mainly focused on the need for a clear road map for at least a year so that enough funds could be raised from various donors to make the programs financially sustainable. AIG Sharma also suggested a systematized groundwork on establishing a small organization so that these programs can be run across the country.

CSI Team was very positive towards the encouraging advises from AIG Sharma. Dr. Ramhari Subedi expressed commitment from the entire CSI Nepal team to build a robust organization capable of organizing effective awareness, training sessions across the country.

Cyber Security Nepal team Met with Nepal Police AIG Bigyan Raj Sharma

Location: Nepal Police Headquarter, Naxal

Time: 12.30 PM local time


  1. Submitting a draft of the proposal for support from Nepal Police
  2. Sending a draft of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be done between CSI Nepal and Nepal Police.
  3. Discussion about making the cybersecurity awareness program a success and possible help from Nepal Police.

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