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Cyber Security Training And Career Coaching 2018

Cyber Security Training and Career Coaching 2018

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Information Security Response Team Nepal ( is conducting Cyber Security Training at laba Training Institute Kathmandu at 24th of March. With a program agenda of building the global alliance for cyber resilience, the seminar will be talking about achieving greater cyber resiliency and cybersecurity in the upcoming year. Experts in cyber security will give security training and career counseling to the interested person during the period from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. So don’t hesitate to grab this opportunity.

Date: 24th March 22, 2018, Time: 2:00 pm- 3:30 pm   Venue: Laba, Anamnagar – 32

Speakers: Milan Raj Nepali, Assistant Director (Head of IT at Insurance Board of Nepal) &  Abartan Dhakal (Independent Cyber Security Consultant from Nepal)

Experts in cyber security will give security training and career counseling to the interested person during the Summit. With Nepal carving a niche for itself in the IT sector, dependence on technology is also increasing. However, two things set Nepal aside from the players in the big leagues, like India and China, and that is design and density. With Nepalese using the internet for all their needs, ranging from shopping to banking, studying to storing data, cyber-crimes have also increased in proportion to usage, with increasing cyber-crime Nepal needs more cybersecurity experts in the upcoming year. In this global cybersecurity, summit experts will be discussing the tricks and techniques to overcome the cybersecurity challenges which we are facing nowadays.

Some of the cybersecurity challenges in Nepal

Nepal’s highly skilled IT workforce, efforts must be harnessed and redirected towards strategic use by the government. Incentives provided by the government to the industry would encourage investment from the private sector towards an agency focused on national cybersecurity like Information Security Response Team Nepal. With strengthened cybersecurity defenses in Nepal’s future, Nepal businesses will become more competitive on a global level and create a safer digital Nepal.

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