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Sunway College Data Fellowship 2023: Empowering Minds with Data Science

Sunway College Data Fellowship

24th July 2023, Kathmandu

The Sunway College Student Representative Council (SSRC) is proud to announce the highly anticipated launch of Data Fellowship 2023, an empowering initiative in partnership with DataCamp Donates.

As the world ventures further into a data-driven era, the fellowship seeks to provide a transformative learning experience for students and aspiring data enthusiasts within the Sunway College community and beyond.

Empowering Minds through Data Science

The Data Fellowship 2023 is designed to equip participants with cutting-edge data skills, offering a comprehensive program catering to students, alumni, and underrepresented individuals from various schools and communities. By promoting diversity and inclusivity, the fellowship aims to create a stronger, more collaborative data community.

DataCamp: The Path to Excellence

DataCamp Donates, a renowned platform known for its hands-on and practical data science education, will play a pivotal role in the fellowship. Participants will have access to DataCamp’s premium data science courses, benefit from mentorship by industry experts, engage in networking opportunities, and receive a prestigious certificate upon completion.

Comprehensive Curriculum and Hands-On Learning

DataCamp’s wide range of data science courses covers essential topics such as Python, R, SQL, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization. The emphasis on hands-on learning through interactive exercises and real-world projects allows learners to apply their knowledge and gain valuable experience.

Expert Mentorship and Community

Participants will have the unique opportunity to receive personalized mentorship from seasoned data professionals, gaining valuable insights into the industry. Engaging with a vibrant data community will further enable networking and collaboration with like-minded individuals passionate about data science.

Eligibility and How to Apply

The Data Fellowship 2023 is open to students aged 16 to 26 from Sunway College, as well as alumni, underrepresented students, teachers, and community members with a genuine interest in data-driven solutions.

Applicants should possess curiosity, innovation, commitment to learning, and a collaborative spirit. Additionally, an interest in writing blogs and creating vlogs about their learnings is encouraged.

To apply for this incredible opportunity to unlock one’s potential in the data-driven world, interested individuals can submit their applications now.

Embrace the power of data science and seize the chance to revolutionize the world with data-driven insights and innovations, making a lasting impact on both one’s career and community.

For more information and to apply, Click Here

About Sunway College Student Representative Council (SSRC)

The Sunway College Student Representative Council (SSRC) is dedicated to serving and enriching the student experience at Sunway College.

Through visionary initiatives and collaborations, SSRC aims to create a vibrant and inclusive learning community for all students.

About DataCamp Donates

DataCamp Donates is committed to making high-quality data science education accessible to all, supporting initiatives like Data Fellowship 2023 to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the data-driven world.