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Digital Advantage Launches Messenger Chatbot To Share Authentic Information

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April 14, 2020, Kathmandu

Get authentic information on COVID-19 from Digital Advantage’s COVID-19 Info Bot on Messenger. The outbreak of Coronavirus, COVID-19, is a hot topic on the internet.  The officials and networking sites are concerned about the spread of misinformation on COVID-19. They have been dealing with a massive pool of information.  A user can not only get authentic information but fake news as well. This false information might sound ridiculously accurate or more enjoyable. As a result, people tend to share these things more rather than a true story. This helps spread misinformation and creates confusion for the general public.

 Corona Info Bot

While officials are doing their part to provide people with accurate information Digital Advantage has come up with a new Info bot. The Corona Info Bot keeps everyone informed about the official information. And information related to what to do in case of an emergency.

How does the Corona Info Bot work?

Well, you might have heard about the bot in many cases either in Reddit or Discord and in popular video games like PUBG. Bot are simply computer algorithms that run automated tasks over the Internet.

In the case of Corona Info Bot launched by Digital Advantage, the bot helps to provide authentic information of COVID-19. The bot includes necessary information about coronavirus as well as links to the official sources such as websites, hotline numbers, Viber Group, etc.

The bot is exceptionally efficient and easily accessible, as this bot is based on the messenger app. The purpose is to get all the people to receive official and accurate news. The bot will provide you the website and links you can visit to get the information and also offer new details on COVID-19.

For Direct information: Click Here

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