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Digital Finance and OSH Concern For Dignity of Work

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19th December 2020, Kathmandu

UNITES Nepal and FIEUN are jointly holding a social dialogue program among the stakeholders on  “Digital Finance and OSH concern for Productivity and Dignity of Work”. Government representatives, ICT related employers, and employees associations, workers organizations, professionals, and experts of the sector would attend the program.

The interaction is focused on the Digital Finance and OSH concern for Productivity and Dignity of Work. The keynote speaker will open the session with his/her presentation on the topic and the dialogue floor will be opened for further discussion on OSH concerns in the digital workplace. The panel speakers who will be prominent experts in the sector will share their opinions, which will be followed by a rigorous discussion among the participants.

Social dialogue is a flexible tool that enables governments, employers, and workers’ organizations to manage change and achieve economic and social goals. The main goal of social dialogue is to promote consensus building and democratic involvement among the main stakeholders in the world of work. Successful social dialogue structures and processes have the potential to resolve important economic and social issues, encourage good governance, advance social and industrial peace and stability, and boost economic progress.

The social dialogue constituting all the three stakeholders aimed to foster the discussion on the development of the IT sector in Nepal, the creation of decent employment with the establishing industrial harmony with the development of the IT Sector in Nepal. The employers, employees, and state as the regulator, all the three stakeholders has an equal and important role in strengthening the IT sector in Nepal. Hence, the representatives of the three parties together with the experts were among the core participants of the program.

The interaction is focused on the Digital Finance and OSH concern for Productivity and Dignity of Work. The keynote speaker will open the session with his/her presentation on the topic and the dialogue floor will be opened for further discussion on OSH concerns in the digital workplace. The panel speakers who will be prominent experts in the sector will share their opinions, which will be followed by a rigorous discussion among the participants.

The thematic discussion will conclude with the recommendation to the several stakeholders to create a decent work condition for the IT professionals and to develop the IT sector as a whole.

Download the Program Schedule: Social Dialogue On Digital Finance

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