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“Digital Marketing Seminar” successfully conducted at Phoenix College of Management

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23rd June 2023, Kathmandu

In the presence of renowned SEO specialist Mr. Niranjan Patel, the “Digital Marketing Seminar” for BIT 5th Semester students was successfully held today at Phoenix College of Management‘s facilities.

ICT Frame Magazine, a promising online news and technology platform, organized the seminar.

Today’s seminar’s primary goal was to introduce each student to the value of digital marketing, specifically the idea of search engine optimization in the current environment.

All of the students in the class today learned about how digital marketing is dominating the market in both the commercial and technological sectors.

Without understanding and applying SEO principles, digital marketing is incomplete.

The fundamentals of SEO – On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, and many other ideas that should be considered while optimizing the search engine, including keywords, server response time, and many others—were taught to students throughout the discussion of SEO.

Our SEO specialist, Mr. Patel, apparently enjoyed and found it intriguing to share his views and experience with the students in attendance at today’s session.

They claimed it was a wonderful opportunity to learn from him. It was a delight to collaborate with someone who is so knowledgeable in this area. Additionally, the discussion was interactive.

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