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Direct Messenger Is An Unofficial Twitter

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When twitter releases standalone twitter DM app, then it seems to be a wait to see Alex crying tears of joy. I think the duty has not come yet, but the third party developer is already working on it which meet direct messenger, i.e., unofficial iOS messaging app only for twitter DM.

This app packs a couple of nifty features which shows the severe need for twitter DM app. Direct messenger is not the twitter client. It’s asking for sending and receiving the message. When you open the app, you can get a list of s reminiscent of the Facebook messenger. There is also some shortcut which adds another type of content for your message, right above your keywords.

You may send your photos, location, sticker and voice recording. But most of the thing is not supported by Twitter, for instance, when you submit your position through the direct messenger, then the app take a screenshot of your location on a Map and upload in Amazon S3 when the recipient gets a link. It’s not native for those who are not using Direct Messenger. The same thing is for sticker and photos. Direct messenger does not support native attachment.

If you are using direct messenger, then the app automatically changes URL into actual content. Most of your friends are not using direct messenger. If you read the message on Twitter, that it got a marked sign in Direct messenger. Direct messenger does not support group DMs due to its API limitation.

You may easily access your message as expected the app works because it is clean and well designed. The developer had done a great job by making seamless and have to work around the API restriction.

I think Twitter needs to work twitter DM app which is recently updated indicating a renewed commitment towards direct message, but there is no dedicating mobile app. It does not carry 140 character limit which can make group conversation by sending photos and videos and quote tweets.

If twitter build is messaging by stop tweaking colors, then it would be an excellent job for twitter. Twitter users are waiting for open apps.

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