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Django Girls Kathmandu Announced Free Workshop At King`s College

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Django Girls Kathmandu is going to organize an intensive workshop on Django Technology for web development. The primary objective of this workshop is to develop technical skills regarding Web Development and Application Development to girls and empower them.

The workshop is going to be instructed and moderated by representatives from Bits Innovation Pvt.Ltd. The key features of this Workshop will be:

* 2 days free intensive training to students in Django, to make them able to develop a working prototype of Website.

* Installation party, a day before the event at Bits Innovation Pvt.Ltd.

* Additional training opportunity to the best-performing students.

* Future opportunities for potential students.

* Certificates and freebies to attendees of the event.

* Briefing on the current scenario of Web Technology, Django, and Python.

* Provision for scholarship in training for attendees.

As per schedule, the Workshop event is planned for 29th and 30thth September ( 13th and 14th Bhadra. The event will be held at King`s College, Babarmahal from 9 am to 5 pm for both consecutive days.

This event is to provide an emerging ground for women to foster and develop professionally in the field of ICT.

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