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DOECE Silver Jubilee Celebration Event 2076 Kicks Off

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November 13, 2019, Kathmandu

The Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Pulchowk Campus successfully celebrated the 25th year Silver Jubilee event of the commencement of the B.E. Program provided by the department.

The event was held in the Library Hall of Pulchowk Campus with attendance of Professors, Alumni members, B.E. students, and M.E. students along with other guests that were invited. The event took place on two separate days, on 22nd and 23rd Kartik, 2076. The first day of the event took place in the Conference Room of ICTC building. The first day hosted a Pre-event seminar with distinguished guests discussing the Digital Nepal Framework and ways to achieve the common goal of realizing the campaign. The latter half of the event hosted a Panel Discussion that was Moderated by Dr. Arun Timalsina.

The following day of the event had presentations from Dr. Surendra Shrestha, HOD of DOECE, Prod. Dr. Jagan Nath Shrestha, Senior Retired Faculty Member, Prof. Dr. Dinesh Kr. Sharma. Likewise, Prof. Dr. Ram Chandra Sapkota, Dean of the Institute of Engineering, also the Chief Guest of the event addressed the audience with his speech. Prof. Dr. Laxman Poudel, Campus Chief, Pulchowk Campus also gave a speech regarding the importance of Electronics and Computer Department in the growth of technology and also mentioned the new B.E. program in Chemical Engineering at Pulchowk Campus to be a breakthrough in the education system of Nepal.

Mr. KP Bhandari, representing the Platinum Sponsor, Nepal Telecom gave an introductory presentation of Nepal Telecom and also shared his experience regarding his education in Pulchowk Campus. He is also a proud alumnus of the DOECE and didn’t give away the chance to share how glad he was to bridge his educational institute to his current work as a sponsor.

Presentations from two Gold Sponsor’s Yomari and Gokyo Labs informed about the individual companies. The slides from Silver sponsors Fusemachines Nepal, GrowByData, InfoDevelopers Pvt. Ltd. and Log point also gave a glimpse of the companies and the jobs they offer.

The presenters from Alumni Section included Mr. Manish Modi(061 BCT), the Founder of Khalti, Dr. Bishesh Khanal(061 BEX), Research Scientist and Chairperson at Naamii, Mr. Dipkamal Bhusal (069 BEX), Co-founder of Paaila Technology and Mr. Raju Mandal (072 BEX), Co-founder at MPercept Technology.

A remote presentation was conducted with Mr. Shankar Uprety (057 BCT), Creator, Founder, and CEO of Hamro Patro who currently resides in San Francisco, USA.

The remaining half of the event consisted of tokens to Sponsors, Certificates, and Tokens to Graduating Batch 2072. Reputed Award Prof. F. N. Trofimenkoff (awarded to BEX toppers) was also called out during the ward distribution. Other categories included the Best Projects and Best Poster for the final year project from 2072.

Token of Appreciation was given out to all the hands that made the event successful and volunteers alike.

Dr. Aman Shakya, the Event Co-Ordinator presented the closing remarks to end the formal session of the mega-event however Informal events including Music, Food and Entertainment continued.

ICT Frame Pvt. Ltd. is glad to have been a Media Partner for Silver Jubilee Event of DOECE and congratulate the department on the completion of 25 brilliant years of achievements.

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