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Dropbox Hacked – More Than 68 Million Account Details Leaked Online

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It’s tough to believe that currently hackers have also hacked the Dropbox account and leaked more than 68 million account details on Dark Web as like LinkedIn, MySpace, and Tumblr. So the security of the customer’s privacy has become the first challenging task nowadays.

Besides, it has also increased the importance of Best Password Managers to create a complex password for different sites. So I recommend most of the users to know about it and use it. But now let’s knowledge on how the Dropbox account was hacked and what steps they have taken to solve it.

Dropbox has already informed it’s users to reset password since it has confirmed the breach but the initial announcement was failed to specify the exact number of affected users. So out of 68 million, only just 32 million passwords are secured using the strong hashing function “script,” which makes difficult for hackers to obtain user’s actual passwords, while the rest of the passwords are hashed with the SHA-1 hashing algorithm. These passwords also used a salt called a random string to the hashing process for further strengthen the passwords to make hackers more challenging to crack.

It is known that Dropbox Company could not disclose that the hackers were even able to steal password although they had uncovered the data breach in 2012 and notify its user to secure their passwords through email. But it’s too late to publish all their information among the clients. So this situation was created.

Through many hacked sites, it is cleared that pre-planned is essential to secure customers privacy. Similarly, they should focus primarily on using the Best Password Managers to achieve customers account. And every company must provide knowledge about cyber security methodology to each client.

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