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E-commerce Companies Request the Government to Allow Home Delivery Services

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5th June 2021, Kathmandu

E-Trade Association of Nepal has criticized the government’s ban on home delivery and e-commerce.

The association issued a statement saying that despite repeated discussions with the concerned authorities. The injunction issued till Jestha 31 criticized the provisions for facilitating home delivery.

The association has objected to the current restrictions, especially in the Kathmandu Valley. It allows department stores, including food, to remain open until 9 am and not to change the definition of essential products.

This has negatively affected consumers as well as small and medium enterprises associated with e-commerce platforms.

Union President Sagar Bhattarai said in a statement, “The e-commerce union and its member companies have always followed the safety measures.

Measures taken by the government to maintain a distance of 2 meters, equip delivery workers with sanitizers, gloves, and masks, and constantly monitor their health.” We offer the public a safer option. “

He further said, “Allowing home delivery of all goods will help prevent the spread of the virus. It also alleviates the problems of many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through e-commerce and sustains the economy.

That is why I urge the government to address our demands for the good of the whole society. “

Due to the obvious benefits of home delivery during the Covid-19 epidemic. The governments of neighboring India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and other countries around the world have allowed e-commerce and home delivery to be fully operational services.

These countries have not imposed any restrictions on home delivery to ensure the safety of consumers by boosting the domestic economy. It also said adding that’ allowing home delivery does not require people to go out to buy various items and supports implementation of government orders Does. ‘

According to the e-commerce association, imposing limited working hours on e-commerce and home delivery services and restricting the availability of required materials is a complete disregard for international best practices.

The government should therefore focus on home delivery services, which will uplift the community. As well as encourage small businesses affected by the epidemic as e-commerce and home delivery companies. It will act as a support pillar to lift the economy during the epidemic.

With more than a month to go before the epidemic subsides, materials such as stationary, mobile phones, and computers have become as essential to consumers as food and clothing the statement said.

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