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Early Childhood Education Centre Announced Leadership Seminar

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From 7th November 2016 to 8th November 2016, Leadership Seminar is going to be conducted at Hotel Annapurna, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is primarily done to develop leadership potentiality within you. Seats for this program are minimal so book your place soon to get participated in this program.

During this workshop, the presenters have decided to cover most of the frequently asked questions like:

What is needed to sustainable lead our teams and organizations, to be fit and ready for a future we do not yet know?

What sort of leadership is needed to create the conditions for such sustainable growth at these different levels of the system?

What are the most important next steps we can take to move forward? Etc.

Besides, VUCA world – one of volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity are coupled with technological advancements to generate new aspects of change management for all leaders to navigate. Similarly, the growing diversity of views among the younger generation is more exposed to global influences, so these officers are often demanding a greater voice at work and play a significant role in decision-making. So to know all these leadership info participate in this program, really you would be very much benefited.

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