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Encouraging Participation in ECAN Virtual Fair, 12000 Participants on the First Day

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16 Janaury 2021, Kathmandu

Encouraging participation has been seen in the virtual education fair started by the Nepal Educational Counseling Association (ECAN) on Friday. This is the first time the 14th major educational fair has been organized by ECAN through a virtual medium.

Although the fair was organized physically last year, this time, the fair has been organized virtually due to the Covid-19 outbreak. According to ECAN, 12,000 students and their parents participated on the first day of the fair.

At the fair, students learned about the problems created by the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects. Students who wanted to go to foreign universities and colleges for higher education had obtained the necessary information.

The virtual fair, which started on Friday, will be held till Monday, January 18. Students will be able to participate in the fair through virtual media from 10 am to 5 pm and get various information about different countries, universities, colleges, courses, scholarships, visa processing, etc.

Representatives of more than 100 consultancies, foreign universities, and colleges are participating in the fair.

How to be a participant?

In the past, you could participate in physical fairs and interview with representatives of consultancy, foreign universities, and colleges. In this online fair, students and parents will interview directly from their place of residence through gadgets, including mobiles and laptops.

According to the company, for this, those who want to participate in the fair have to register by going to the official web portal of the fair.

After filling in their name, address, email, contact number, and other information, they will be able to choose the country of their choice and consult directly with their representatives.

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