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Facebook Builds Drone For Internet Access

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Facebook has its drone which all brings internet connectivity to remote parts of the world where there are no facilities of high-speed The Facebook drone has a wingspan of Boeing 737 which height is 90000 feet in the air which can stay for 90 days at a time.

The internet speed might be of 10 GB per seconds told Facebook. This drone was tested in the US last year. It was designed by Facebook’s in an aerospace team of UK, said Jay Prakash, the vice president of Global engineering and Infrastructure. Mr. Prakash said that Our goal is to accelerate new technology which changes economically and the internet infrastructure. We are facing challenges which explore different approaches such as aircraft, satellites and terrestrial solution.

We are mainly concentrating towards the upcoming technology for operates and the other partners whose intention is not to build a network and how to proceed.


This is a social network which is doing connectivity to the developing community via scheme. It helps the system to grow users and fulfill the requirement of investors which makes them happy. Mr. Parikh said that it is regarded as a significant breakthrough. It has been tested that in the lab that laser can deliver data at 10 s of GD per seconds which is approximately ten times faster than the previous statement of the art in the industry which targets the size of a dime. It’s more than 10 miles far away from there.

We are using these lasers in real- world condition to tests.

After finishing the laser communication system which can be used to connect our aircraft within the ground which makes it possible to create a stratospheric network which is extended in the remote area of the world.

Facebook has raised eyebrows and acquisitions of Clinical intention which is beside the current market. angered many Indians technology community when it launched offering free mobile access to a small handful of sites but not internet access.

It were providing free services an unfair advantage in the market and noted that Facebook could track that user who is raising free services.

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