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Free Registration Open For Spirathon

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Spiralogics is hosting a 2-day appathon event titled ‘Spirathon – #CodeForSociety’ on November and has officially opened its registration from today. During the event, a team consisting of 3 members will need to build a prototype application based on a social awareness theme. Professionals from the top IT companies will be judging the event and choosing the winners.

The interested team can simply go to www.spirathon.spiralogics.com and register for free. We will then select the finalists to compete in the main event. The selected team will need to pay the security fee (deposit) of Rs.500 per team. The amount will be refunded back to the team during the event.

Each team will need to submit the following:

  1. Team Name
  2. Team Members Name
  3. Project Title
  4. 1-2 min short intro video about the project
  5. Project overview
  6. Associated Institution/ College
  7. Email, Phone number

The winning team will get a cash prize of Rs. 15,000, 100% scholarship to study a course of their choice in SIT and most importantly, an internship plus opportunity to work with Spiralogics International, a leading US-based software company. First and second runner ups will receive a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 5000 per team.

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