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Global IME Bank to Provide Laptops To Teachers in Simple Installments

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11th August 2021, Kathmandu

The waves of Coronavirus are coming one after another. The fear of 3rd wave is still going in people’s minds. The government and the health authorities have warned all the citizens to be aware and safe from the deadly virus.

Various sectors are planning to go online for their transactions and services and many of them have already gone online.

Recently Global IME Bank Limited and Leo Club of Kathmandu Temple Peace Kavre have signed an agreement on the Access to Technology for Quality Education project.

Education is the most crucial thing in a present context which sharpens the future of a child and country too.

As per the agreement, the bank will provide laptops to the teachers of the Kavre district in simple installments.

The agreement was signed by Shanta Shiwakoti, Head of Market Management and Business Promotion of the Bank, and Sudip Neupane, Advisor of Leo Club of Kathmandu Temple Peace and Project Access to Technology for Quality Education.

As per the agreement, Global IME Bank will provide laptops to the teachers in Kavre in installments on the recommendation of Leo Club of Kathmandu Temple Peace Kavre under the Access to Technology for Quality Education project.

In the process, teachers will be able to easily get a laptop in simple installments through Global IME Bank’s credit card and easy by easy pay.

 In addition, the bank will also organize banking literacy programs for teachers in Kavre.

It is a good initiative from both the club and bank as it helps in the development of education sectors.

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