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Globalization And Education: An Economic Perspective

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Today world is moving on the way of supersonic progress and on that way ICT (information communication technology). The world is running on the direction of development of IT,20 years ago nobody thinks about Facebook, smartphones, etc. but now no one wants to remain isolated with these within minutes also.

And it changes the whole lifestyle of the people including their daily activities like shopping, messaging and many more. Likewise, the change in the habit of users is the big revolution in the business also. All the traditional industry are migrating to technological business modules. There are many success and profit making business which are entirely dependent on ICT. Today let’s talk about billionaires in the globe; most of them are from ICT.

Whole world’s economy is now totally depending on their business. According to the 7 out of 20 billionaires are from the IT industries Name as Bill Gates Company Microsoft Carlos Slim Helu company Telmex Larry Ellison company oracle Jeff Bezos company Mark Zuckerberg Company Larry Page Company Google Sergey Brin Company Google Most of the renounce company and their services are on the domain of Technology and their company progress is on the development of IT.

Most of are them earn their property form the business not form their family properties. For example Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook while he is in college. There are millions of engineer expert and other employee are there. Nowadays some of the students are interested in the study of IT for Securing their future and for the better enhancement of Quality of life.

So by observing the worlds business data in the context of Nepal also, IT education and IT industries are on bright way and this is the only a way for the better enhancement in development of Nation also. There are many colleges and institute which are establish for the providing IT education So the student there may be not be better selection than IT sector.

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