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Google Doodle Thanks Farmers, Farmworkers During Coronavirus Outbreak


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April 10, 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal

Google is honoring the heroes who selflessly go about their daily lives to make sure we have food on our table. Coronavirus continues to be a global threat with over 1.6 million cases confirmed around the world. It has been traumatizing millions of people as they are self-quarantining at home in an effort to stop the virus’ spread.

And still, some people risk their lives to go out every day to make sure there is a sense of order in the world. We are talking about medical professionals and of course, farmers and farmworkers.

This week, Google is paying tribute to the farmers with a series of Doodles thanks.

What are Google Doodles?

Google doodles are illustrations and animations that Google spontaneously or occasionally brings about in its logo. These are fun, surprising and spontaneous changes to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.

A group of Googlers gets together to decide what events will they be celebrating through doodles. In fact, the doodle selection process aims to celebrate significant events and anniversaries.

This week, Google has decided to celebrate the selfless act of the heroes who we call Farmers.

Google Doodles to Celebrate Heroes

All superheroes don’t wear capes!

The tech giant frequently celebrates events, holidays, birthdays and notable people on its naked search page with illustrations.

Google often shines the spotlight on the contributions of medical heroes, including Dr. Virginia Apgar, who has developed a rapid method for assessing the health of newborns. Similarly, Google honored Dr. René Favalor, a cardiac surgeon who initiated bypass surgery.

With a pandemic in hand, the company honored the handwashing pioneer, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, last month.

It’s their way to say thanks for all the goods the lesser-known heroes have done to make the world a better place.

The Google Doodle series thanked medical personnel, scientists, rescuers, and wardens. On Friday, it honored the unsung heroes who play a vital role in feeding us – farmers and farm workers.

Their work keeps them at risk of the virus, still, they don’t fail to keep the food flowing in the market. Agricultural work is a special responsibility that makes sure we don’t go out of stock. And, it is an essential part of the country’s economy.

No sick leave, no paid leave – they work despite the conditions. The least we can do is appreciate their brave efforts to put food on our tables.

This Week on Doodle Series

Let’s take a look at the heroes that Google honored this week with their Doodle series.

Monday, April 6

The first doodle arrived on Monday this week. The debut doodle was dedicated to public health workers and scientific researchers. They are working day and night to mitigate the spread of the virus in the community.

Tuesday, April 7

Tuesday’s doodle paid tribute to doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who are working long shifts with maximum risk of exposure to the virus. Even in emotional and physical stress, they are selflessly balancing their work with risks to ensure the health and safety of their loved ones.

Moreover, they are sacrificing their quality time with their families and loved ones and avoiding physical contact with them. Not just us, but their children, spouse, and elderly parents are safe because of their efforts.

Wednesday, April 8

Next on the doodle series, Google paid tribute to firefighters and police officers. They are the ones who risk their lives every day to tackle emergency situations. To do this, they are often in close contact with the citizens who may be infected.

Yet, they do not hesitate to show up and work day after day. In Nepal, there are a few cases of confirmed coronavirus and none of them are police officers.

However, in New York, the epicenter of the epidemic in the US, more than 1,000 police officers have tested positive.

Thursday, April 9

On Thursday, Google honored janitors and domestic workers who clean the hospital surfaces and other medical facilities. They are the ones who make sure clinics and hospitals are free of pathogens.

The Centers for Disease Control and Protection (DCD) suggest that COVID-19 may remain on a variety of materials for hours or even days. According to the CDC, ‘cleaning visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection’ is the best way to combat the virus.

The janitors and health workers often lack the proper training and yet, they continue to do their job. Google has sent love and respect to them through Google doodles.

Friday, April 10

Thank You: Farmworkers and farmers – Google made sure these heroes were recognized and appreciated.

With no proper equipment and tools to combat the exposure to coronavirus, the farmers work every day to feed their families and us. Their working and living conditions do not allow them to quarantine themselves.

We too appreciate the efforts of the farmers and farm workers, despite the risk, to feed us.

Final Say

Google is doing its bit to recognize and thank all the professions that are risking their lives for us. The least we can do is make sure we stay home and obey the decision of our government. It’s for the best of us and everyone else.

This is how we protect the world from this danger. Developing new vaccines takes time and preparations are going on for trials.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US, has frequently stated that a coronavirus vaccine is at least a year to 18 months away.

That is why we need to stay patient and make sure we stop the spread of the virus through individual efforts.

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