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Google Showing Its Concern On Privacy

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We all know how much privacy means to us. We are also being aware of the consequences of sharing our information to the world but have we noticed how much effort we are doing for it. The reason we have become aware of the privacy is because of the issues that have come over the past few years about our privacy being disclosed by the social media like Facebook, Twitter and even our favorite search engine Google.

However this time Google has shown its concern over privacy and said to be more flexible over the privacy issue for Android users by giving them the freedom of privacy control. This may sound not much of flexibility but we use our android phones to do most of the task, and when apps from Google play are installed in our phone, we are notified to accept the terms and conditions including the privacy need of the app.

Previously and till this date, we didn’t have the choice to whether to share our personal information such as location, photos, or contacts. But Google is planning to give its mobile users more control over what information applications can access. It is a good thing that Google is working on privacy control as it may be losing its global smartphone market share than before.

The announcement for the new controls are to be expected at Google I/O, and they will most probably launch it with the launch of its latest version of Android that is Android M.

By Saury Paudel

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