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Grand Workshop on KickStart To AI & Machine Learning

Grand Workshop on KickStart to AI & Machine Learning

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AI Developers Nepal (AIDevNepal) visions to make Tech education and cutting-edge scientific research free, open and accessible to everyone. Bridging the gap between educational institution and industries. They want to work on solving the community problems. They have conducted more than 13 Saturday’s events before. This event is initiation from Family members of AIDevNepal, Following the mantra of “Learn, Share and Grow”, They are sharing whatever They are learning.

A Grand Workshop on Artificial Intelligence by AIDevNepal

Seat capacity: 500+

Agenda  / Beginners
Numpy, pandas, Basics of Machine learning: Regression, Classification

Intermediate level – I
Numpy, pandas, Machine learning: Regression, Classification

Intermediate Level – II
Numpy, pandas, Machine learning: Regression, Classification, Kaggle competition problem-solving.

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