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How should I check Before Buying Android Phone

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Before buying new phone or smartphone, there are many things that are needed to be noticed carefully. The things that are to be noted are:
Big Screen (5 inch or more than that)
The size of smartphones are increasing day by day. At one time, 5 inched screen was taken as a very big screen but now this phone is considered as minimum size. iPhone 6+ having 5.5-inch screen reached in the world of phablet because of size only. In big sized smartphones, people shows more interest on 6 inched Google Nexus 6 and Nokia Lumia 1520. Galaxy Note series and iPhone 6 are also famous smartphones in this category. Using this type of phone with one hand is difficult.

Medium Screen (4.5-4.9 inch)
The mobile phones that lie in this category are easy to carry and are also very affordable. The HTC mini 2 with a 4.5-inch screen, Galaxy S 5 are its examples. The right side of this mobile phone is that it can be used with a single hand. The fingers can be used across the displayed screen.

Small Screen (below 4.5 inches)
In the world of smartphone, a small and affordable phone has gained a large area. These type of phones are easy to carry and use as well. But, the phones having small screen has the capability of low screen resolution and is simple too.

The heart of any mobile phones is its processor or CPU. This provides computing capability for processing all the works of the mobile phone. For using or playing with any application, the processor performs a vital role in it. The processor with high speed affects all the works of a mobile phone. The motion of the processor is measured in Giga Hertz. These days, more many cores are used in the processor, is the critical thing. With the high number of processor and motion, the processor is taken as a good one.

The quality of the camera used in the mobile phone depends on the thing which it is made from. The thinking that the mobile phone with high megapixel can take a perfect picture is incorrect. The camera with 8 megapixels can gain a better movie than the camera having 13 megapixels. Quality of lens and the sensor used in it is another two great sides. Pixel Density is the thing which measures the quality of photos and videos. Though Apple has an 8-megapixel camera, every year Apple’s camera is being more refined and more capable.

If your phone’s battery has a low capability, then it cannot handle all the features of the world. Keeping this thing in mind, companies produce the cell having high potentials and are used in mobile phones. Mostly, the battery having the power of 1700mah to 3500mah is used in mobile phones these days.

Network Carrier
It is essential for you to know about which Network Carrier is on your phone. You must understand that does that network carrier coverage the areas of your home, work station and other places. That’s why according to that you must choose the Network Carrier.

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