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How To Play YouTube In The Background Using VLC?

How To Play YouTube In The Background Using VLC

April 12, 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal

Youtube is an online video-sharing platform used all over the world. The best app to watch videos anytime you want. It also comes to second in the most used search engine after Google. But one drawback of youtube is that sometimes you want to listen to music when you are using other apps. YouTube doesn’t allow that. The music stops if you close the YouTube app. For this reason, only today, I’ve written this article so that you can play YouTube in the background without hacking your phone or downloading any unauthorized software.   <This is me ranting><claps for me>

Enjoy listening to Youtube videos in the background while you scroll on your Instagram feed/ twitter feed/ Facebook feed/ Reddit feed/ Pinterest feed.

Also, you now have the music control panel on VLC in your notification panel. This will allow you to scrub easily to the sections you wish to play through the video.

If you want to watch the video with other devices in a pop-up player, you can also pick the VLC Pop-up player.