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How To Raise A Dog ? 

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What Should and Shouldn’t be done: 

What should you do?

The things a person should realize is that not every dog that wags its tail and is calm in general is friendly. Therefore, permission of the dog owner is a must, before any physical contact. Dogs should be approached by calm and kindness. It’s essential that you don’t make any sudden movements that can create tension or nervousness between two bodies.
Safety Tips : 
It’s not likely to get attacked by a trained dog but just for reference its best to try curling up in a ball and protect the vital areas which are the neck and the face with your arms. So while traveling with a dog, a leash should be used as it creates distance foreign people.
What shouldn’t you do? : 
Dogs can be very cheerful while playing but, it’s not wise to disturb it while it’s eating. As we mentioned earlier just because a dog looks all cuddly and cute doesn’t mean he/she cant attack. So, the next time you try to reach out over the fence to pet a dog think wisely and act.
Dogs who are carrying their babies tend to be more aggressive and protective, that is why caution must be maintained if you come across a puppy and the mother is nearby, as they will try to defend and under some circumstances if the mother feels threatened in any way she will attack.
For the most part, Dogs love creatures, and they are excellent pets to have. If you show a bit of love and care, there is a good chance of mutual bonding over some time.

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