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I Code For My Language – A Talk Session On Natural Language Processing

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Kathmandu, 27 December 2019

Creating space for girls /women in tech Nepal. The participation of girls /women in Nepal’s ICT sector is still very low but the future holds promise. Nepal is not an exception to this worldwide phenomenon.

Shreeya Dhakal is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. In this talk titled #icodeformyभाषा, she will be talking on Natural Language Processing research and development, where we stand in terms of NLP for Nepali and her projects and vision. She will also answer questions related to her experiences as a Ph.D. student in the United States and her new project called Nepali Women in Computing, which is a story series covering stories of Nepali women making it big in tech.

Event Details:
Date: 30th December 2019
Time: 3 PM to 4:30 PM
Venue: Kathmandu Engineering College

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