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ICTFRAME To Host Google AdSense Seminar In Nepal

Google AdSense Seminar in Nepal

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ICT Frame Magazine Pvt Ltd, Texas College of Management & IT in partnership with Top Nepal International Pvt Ltd is organizing  Google Adsense Seminar on Friday 1st March 2019 from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM at the Texas College of Management and IT, Sifal Chabahil Kathmandu.
The Objective of the event is developed for Website publishers who are interested to display targeted text, video & images advertisement on the web portal and earn money when online visitors view/click the ads.
Topics Covered:
Understanding of Google AdSense
What is Google AdSense?
How to create a Google AdSense account?
Advantage of google AdSense
How does AdSense Work?
Ways to boost your AdSense earning
Alternative of Google AdSense

For more details: Click Here

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